Here are the top 5 photos tips for women.
As a professional photographer, I am often asked by women how they can look better in their photos. Are you concerned about how your weight looks in photos? Is there a certain part of your body you would rather not have emphasized? Is it important to you to not have a bra or panty line showing?
These are important things to most women. That’s why I want to provide some photo tips for women. I think that women photographers are better able to see and understand these sensitive issues and this is one of the best reasons I think that women end up liking their photos better when it’s done by a female photographer instead of a male (sorry men!). Not trying to be sexist or anything, but honestly most men just don’t scan a women the same way a woman would in terms of fixing the tiny details that make us love, or hate, a photo of ourselves. Except for some gay men, most men are just not accustomed to seeing what women see when they look at themselves critically (this is actually a good thing in other areas of life).
The top 5 photo tips for women
Here are the top 5 things women need to ask their photographers to check as she/he takes their photo, or need to check themselves:
- Check the position of women who are concerned with their weight. Put them into a position that makes them look slimmer naturally (e.g. twisting their torsos forward slims the tummy area).
- Scan your body for any things you don’t want showing – whether that’s a part of your body, clothing or any other thing listed in the blog article “Top 10 things to save an otherwise Fabulous Wedding Photo”.
- Watch out for squinting or uncomfortable/stressed eyes. I use a fabulous trick for this myself. Since so much of the photography I do is on the beach, I found a way to help make everyone’s eyes look comfortable whether they are sun senstitive or not. I ask my clients to close their eyes and relax all the muscles around the eyes, then open them and smile only when I count to 3. Works like a charm!
- Make sure each person looks relaxed. Sometimes people start to look really fake after too many smiles, especially if they are saying “cheese” (how cheesy!). Don’t squink, don’t grit your teeth together, just relax. A good photographer should be reminding you of this and checking your facial features throughout the shoot.
- Make sure that hair (and clothing) are not blowing into some weird place, or in your face (you’d be surprised how few people notice this when they are taking the photo!).
Photoshopping out the panties and bra …
As a professional photographer I’ve often had women ask me after the photos are taken to remove panty lines, bras that slipped out from under their clothes, wrinkles … you name it, I’ve been asked to take it out. From one point of view I understand, as a woman it’s sometimes challenging to find a picture of yourself you just love. (But of course the truth is always that us women are ridiculously lacking a broader perspective that allows us to see genuine beauty the way the rest of the people who look at our photos see us, and honestly that tiny little thing only matters to us.)
The honest truth is that the best way to love your professional photography is to get it right before the photo is taken, not afterwards. These top 5 photo tips for women are a start towards doing that.
You pay enough for the photophraphy, no matter what the event is, so make sure you hire a Kauai Photographer who works as hard as I do at all the details that make it actually worth the money!