The recent DOMA Supreme Court decision
– where the US Supreme Court struck down DOMA (The Defense Of Marriage Act) on June 26, 2013 – is a major victory for equality, same sex marriages and civil unions in America. The US Supreme Court ruled against Proposition 8, declaring that anti-gay challengers had no standing, a legal term meaning (in a nutshell) they had no basis to prove they had incurred injury. This will have flow on effects for Kauai Civil Unions.
US Government to recognize gay marriage as equal to straight marriage
California Governor Jerry Brown thinks the Ninth Circuit Court should clear gay marriage in California within about 28 days. Now the US Federal Government will recognize the marriage of gay couples as being equal to straight couples. Same sex marriage through civil union carrying all of the privileges that the Federal Government affords straight married couples — social security survival benefits, tax benefits, all military personnel married couples being treated equally, all Federal employee benefits to spouses granted to spouses of gay couples. There will be many more added to the list as the government sorts out the implications of the demise of DOMA.
Immediately following the announcement of the DOMA decision, a male intern grabbed a copy of the decision and ran the entire distance between the Supreme Court and the Federal District Court building and up several flights to stairs, gave the order to a judge who was about to deport a foreign national legally married to an American man, and the deportation was stopped in its tracks! All this wonderful “stuff” is now happening fast.
Would you like to celebrate your love with a Kauai Civil Union?
Aloha Ever After joins in the celebration of the expanding rights of gay couples. Why should you come to the romantic island of Kauai to celebrate? If you live in the West Coast states of California or Washington, or any of the twelve states plus Washington DC which have gay marriage, you can arrive in Hawaii with your civil marriage completed at home, then have the beautiful ceremony you have always dreamed about.
Aloha Ever After will work with each and every couple wanting a Kauai civil union. Some may want a very private affair to quietly pledge your joining with your spouse. Some may want friends and family to share. You can have it your way. You can have clergy, and since you are (or will be when you get back to your state) legally married you can have no clergy. Finally you can have anything you desire.
Aloha Ever After will keep informed of the legal side of Kauai Civil Unions
Aloha Ever After will stay abreast of the most recent interpretations of the laws and will work to make possible exactly what you want. If you want to also have a civil union recognition by the State of Hawaii, we can take care of all of the legal paper work for you. You have worked hard for this legal recognition. Now you can come to Kauai and enjoy the fruits of your labor with the ceremony you want — the flowers you want, the location you want with the people you want, with the honey moon in the place you want. Congratulations!